Friday, April 19, 2013

Traveling through the trials!!

I love this quote. I came across it this morning as I was scrolling through Facebook. I thought this fits my life right now. I have had a really crappy week. I have been going through the motions. I have been working in my yard. Taking out flower beds trying to simplify me mowing area. Ron was the one that took care of the yard and I was the one that instructed him where to plant the flowers or put the flower beds. As I am now taking these so called flower beds out, my heart aches to know the work I put my husband through when we could have been doing things as a family instead of planting flower beds. I have been working in my garden all week. I feel like I have been running full blast all week and have gotten no where. It is hard when it is just you. I always have GOD but sometimes I feel so alone. I am being real today. This is how I feel. I know that in the end it will be worth it but boy is it hard gettin there. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! I treasure these trials for without them I couldn't get on the mountaintop. I may be grumbling and complaining today but inside I know all will be well with my soul eventually. And to top it all off, Wednesday was my wedding anniversary and I completely forgot. I have been so depressed this week. I am better today. I will be even better tomorrow. Like I always say, Grief is a funny animal. It strikes at the oddest times. It takes a while to get over the grieving spell.GOD IS SO
I have had to take my son to Vanderbilt to see pediatric endocrinology. He is having thyroid issues. They have diagnosed him with a mild form of Albright's like my daughter has. They started him on meds for his thyroid. It evidently just really likes my family.We have been doing a lot of nature related studies due to the beautiful weather we have been having recently.I wish I had a picture but I don't.That is what I am learning as I blog to take more pictures. I have never been a picture taker but now I really do look for moments to capture. I need to get a smartphone but oh well when I get rich I will get one!! lol
I will end with one of my favorite verses in the bible:

Truly my soul waiteth upon God:from him cometh my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation;he is my defence;I shall not be greatly moved.
How long will ye imagine mischief against a man?ye shall be slain all of you:as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence.
They only consult to cast him down from his excellency:they delight in lies:they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah. Psalms 62 verses 1-4 KJV

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