I am sitting in my very comfy chair this morning, drinking my coffee and loving the silence. This is to me the only time of day that I get peace and quiet. lol
I read my bible and have quiet time with GOD at this time.I find this very important to me, because if I miss my quiet time with GOD my spiritual self suffers.When Ron was alive, I tried to be a light to him. He was a new christian and he had just started reading his precious bible he got when he was saved. He was so proud of that Bible. We took it and had his name engraved on it and when the man gave it to him, Ron almost cried. To know where he had been and to see where GOD took him in such a short time, makes me want to have a shouting fit!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!
When Ron was alive, if the weather was decent, we would go outside and look over our garden or look over the yard. Ron was a tinker person. He was always doing something. He was constantly planting something or fixing something. It is in the quiet moments, that my mind wonders and I remember...
My memory this morning is when I was pregnant with my daughter. I was so short and so pregnant that I couldn't get onto the bed. Ron made me a simple, very beautiful wooden step stool. That stool meant more to me than if he had bought me a diamond ring. I still have the stool ten years later and it still means more to me than a diamond ring!
With Ron being gone, I live as frugal as I can to make ends meet. I make my own laundry detergent. I was needing to make some yesterday and I was out of washing soda. I had read One Good Thing by Jillee about a way that you could change baking soda into washing soda by heating in the oven. I tried it and it worked.My clothes came out very clean.I will always keep you abreast of any new frugal idea that comes my way. I know that everyone and their dog is doing frugal living, gluten free, homeschooling living and so am I!!!! lol This is my life. I make no apologies.
I am praying that we have a good day today. We will go to our co-op today and Connor usually does pretty good but he has to stay right next to me. Yesterday, he did so good. We did our Sing,Spell,Read and Write schoolwork without throwing any fits.We did our drawing and he loved it. We use the Draw right now program and he really excels at it. We use Math-u-see for math and he does pretty well. There are other programs that we use also, I just wanted to give you a glimpse at our homeschooling world.
Since my son's diagnosis, I have really changed my teaching approach. I have a loosely adopted a unschooling approach,Using the Bible, mixed with structure and a little bit of Charlotte Mason approach. I know that is a complete oxymoron but it works for us and that is what homeschooling is all about in my opion!!
I know this has been a long post but I had a lot on my chest this morning. Thanks for stopping by!! GOD IS SO GOOD!! I pray you have a Blessed day!!!
What a nice way to start your day! I also get up a couple of hours before the kids do so that I can start my cleaning - dishes, laundry, tidying,vacuuming, sweeping, the flock - and have a little time for Facebook, Words with Friends, reading, and a quiet breakfast. It makes the rest of the day go smoother!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check out Sing, Read, Spell, and Write. Maybe it'll click with my Sam. He keeps a Writer's Notebook (a journal), reads, does Math-U-See Beta (although he could've done the next level, but we just started it about a month ago), Science Folder games, and Story of the World 2.
What's your laundry soap recipe?
I use1 1/2 bars of Kroger brand of Irish spring. Grate it with a cheap cheese grater in a pot that has 4 cups of water on warm. I let the soap melt all the way. I have a 5 gallon bucket. I put 3 gallons of hot tap water in the 5 gallon bucket. I put the melted soap in the 5 gallon bucket and mix it with a piece of pvc pipe that I have used forever.lol I then put 1 1/2 cup of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda in the 5 gallon bucket. I then put 1 1/2 cup of Borax in the 5 gallon bucket. I mix all this up in the 5 gallon bucket.You can use it right away. as it sits, it will become gelatanous. Mix it up. It works as good as detergent and it is a lot cheaper.