Saturday, March 23, 2013


I have absolutely loved today. I worked outside in my flower beds and I dreamed of what I was going to plant in the garden here in a couple of weeks. I thank GOD for just having the peace to be able to dream. I can remember a time not so long ago that I couldn't even think about the future. I thanked GOD for putting Ron in my life. Ron taught me so much, so many things that I do today are because of what he taught me. He taught me how to be thrifty, he taught me how to be resourceful and he taught me how to not always have the I wants and to live with what you have. lol 
I met Ron when I was twenty six and he was forty six.Ron was old school. He was almost twenty years older than me and he was raised if you wanted something and you didn't have the money, you either did without or you improvised. He was a master at improvisation. He could take anything and make it look like a million bucks. He was very mechanically inclined and I am not. We just fit together so well. My son is a lot like Ron in that respect. 
I told the kids today that we would be taking Easter break next week and you would have thought Jesus was coming through the clouds!!! I did something this week that I really don't like to do... I bought the kids an Easter basket. I really don't like buying Easter baskets for Easter.Ron started buying them one and it has been a tradition but I have never liked buying them one. It is just a commercialization of Easter.  Now before I get hate mail, let me explain. I don't want my children's emphasis more on the Easter basket than what Easter is about. This is why I don't do Santa clause for Christmas. I want my kids to know the true reasons behind the holidays.Am I the only one who thinks like this? I know there have to be other people out there that have these thoughts?
We had Muffin in a mug for breakfast which is out of the Trim Healthy Mama book that I have been attempting to the best of my abilities to follow. Pearl and Serene the daughters of Nancy that runs Above Rubies have a wonderful book out called Trim Healthy Mama. It is packed full of nutritional recipes, educational information and just all around common sense health information. I love the fact that because we eat gluten free and dairy free, we can still have a lot of the recipes. I am on a Trim Healthy Mama allergy group on facebook and these ladies are fabulous. They will figure out whatever needs to be figured out so that a recipe can be eaten regardless of your allergy.
I am so looking forward to Easter. I was thinking about Easter today as I worked in my flower beds. If Jesus had not rose on that third and glorious day, I would never had been able to see his glorious face in Heave, Ron would have never had any hope nor would anyone else for that matter. GOD knew that without the sacrifice of his one and only son, we would never be clean enough to be able to bask in his presence. OH, what a beautiful thought!!!  Just the thoughts that Ron is in Heaven now singing praises to the King!!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!Tomorrow is the Lord's Day and I pray that everyone  have a blessed day praising the Lord. I pray that if you don't know Jesus as your savior, it is never too late. One thing you will never hear come out of a saved persons mouth is"I wished I had never gotten saved." Just always remember...GOD LOVES YOU!!!!There is always hope. I above all people know a thing or too about praying for a lost man. There is always hope!!!!


  1. OK, I'll admit it...we do Santa AND the Easter Bunny around here. LOL But we also read about and practice non-commercial aspects of the holidays too. A balance between the two (I hope)!

    Our Easter "baskets" are usually sand pails or book bags filled with chocolate bunnies, sandals, new swimwear, sometimes even UNDERWEAR, fun swim stuff (like floaties), books, art supplies, DEODORANT, new toothbrushes. Oftentimes it's stuff that I would need to buy them at some point anyway.

    But I enjoyed your post and your positive vibes! :)

  2. Well thank you. That is what I am here for.. to be a positive light!!! lol Our Easter baskets are usually things the kids would be needing also. It is mainly the idea that I don't like. Again, it is my opinion and no one elses!!!!
